domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014


What is happening to you ? For how many exams are you studing ? You aren't telling any thing . anything this summer , autoumn ...

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

An octopus in the entre of Google !!

Have you seen the entre of Google ?

  1. There is a famous octopus called Paul. It's very funny !!


Los lobos son legendarios debido a causa de su columna vertebral-búho tingting, que utilizan para comunicarse. Un lobo solitario grita para atraer la atencion de este paquete, mientras que los aullidos comunales pueden enviar mensajes territoriales a partir de un paquete a otro. Los lobos son los miembros larguest de la familia de perros. Los lobos grises adaptables son, con mucho, el más comun y no se encontraron en el hemisferio norte. En los 48 estados más bajos, los lobos grises cazados hasta casi extition.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


Tomorrow it Wiil be a good day : Goin to the " museo del prado "

The Patricians (by Patricia Salvans)

                                                             THE PATRICIANS
Onse appon a time there was aPatrician that wanted to govern all the world .But he coildn t  because he wasn t  very strong .One day he decided to do exercices ,and he did exercices, and exercices,and exercices, but he couldn t  be stronger.The next morning he descovered why he wasn t  strong , because when he was a baby he fell in to a magic ground that took out the stronth .He looked for a magician that could remove that cuase . But he never found one .So he coulden t  govened the world.